Join us for Worship!

Planning to join us for worship? Here’s what to expect:

A warm welcome!

When you arrive, you may park anywhere on the grass. An usher will meet you at the door of the church with a program of the service called a bulletin. The bulletin will have the entire service printed in it so that you can participate.

Sit anywhere you like. If you want to be up front so you can see, great! Prefer sitting in back? That’s fine, too.

Holy Communion almost every Sunday…

All baptized Christians are welcome to the Lord’s table, even children. Come celebrate this feast with us!

Preaching of the Gospel…

Melanie+ strives to share Jesus’s message of love and show how scripture applies to our lives today.

Great music…

A lot of our service is sung, and your bulletin will help you to sing along. Hymns will be in the hymnal in the rack on the pew. Need help finding something? Just ask anyone around you.

Standing, sitting, and kneeling…

We follow an order of service, called a liturgy, from the Book of Common Prayer. The liturgy tells us when to stand and kneel (as we are able) and when to sit. This might seem odd at first, but you’ll get the hang of it.

Offering collected every Sunday…

Some folks like to give once a month, once a quarter, online, or every Sunday during the service.

Fellowship Hour after the service…

Spending time together is important to us! We hope you will join us in  the Parish House behind the church, have a cup of coffee, and let us get to know each other.

Nursery care for young children…

Children are always welcome during worship. If they would rather play in the nursery, you may take them to the nursery on the second floor of the Parish House.  Ask an usher for directions when you arrive! Children are returned to their families in the church in time for Eucharist.

Three adults smiling and holding glasses in a room with a red wall and white door.
Church altar with floral arrangements, stained glass window depicting religious figures, and wood paneling. Texts of religious creeds and prayers on the walls.
Person wearing clerical robe and stole, standing outside near a stone wall and wooden door.
Group of people smiling indoors at a gathering with food
Two children painting pumpkins on a white cloth outdoors, surrounded by paintbrushes and colorful paints.